harry potter & the deathly hallows: part 1

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spoiler movie review post
harry potter & the deathly hallows: part 1
first, let me preface this with a warning. i love harry potter. 
i'm not like a hardcore hardcore fan, but harry potter is totally a part of my childhood and i really enjoy both the books and movies although they're both flawed in their own way. 

with that said, the movies have always been enjoyable but never quite...good.
the first few were good fun but not fantastic, the last few were pretty but badly acted and cut out/changed too much; leaving me ranting
this one is awesome.

i'm not really sure if it'll be as good for other people as it was for me, since i do lean more towards the fan side of the spectrum; but allow me to spaz...

basically, i had heard that this movie was going to cause a few tears, so i was prepared with tissues and stuff. little did i know, i would start tearing within the first minute. it was worse than up
that scene was just so well edited. and the score by alexander desplat was UNF.
i basically teared up throughout the entire movie, and it was pretty much raining on my face in the end. such a loser, but i was in good company (looks at cherry)

when i first heard that the book was going to be split into two films, i automatically thought it was for financial gain. while this may still hold true, at no point in the movie did i feel that it was unnecessarily drawn out. loved the pacing and darkness in this one. so glad they were allowed to make it darker <3
it was so pretty. cinemagraphically, the last film was already quite impressive but this one is even more beautiful. and the effects are...wow. i mean, dobby...GOSH. 

and i have no idea what happened between this movie and the last, but this one was so much better acted. i think that's one of the main reasons why i kept tearing. 
emma watson, GOOD ON YOU!
the torture scene had me by my heart strings. 
and basically any time friendships were tested or shone through, i was like awwwwwwww~
hilarious when i was sniffling, and then cherry was sniffling, and then the person next to cherry was sniffling and then the woman next to me started sniffling. apparently, cherry's neighbour stole her tissue. xD

amongst the tears, there were some great comedic moments as well. 
which is great, because otherwise, i would have been completely traumatised. 
also, some great horror-film-esque moments. it was hilarious when me and cherry both knew something was coming but they still managed to get us to jump out of our seats. 
and creepy things were so creepy. gosh, that woman. *shudders*
they had one animation scene that they used to tell a back story and it was soooooooooo ridiculously well done. it was like something out of pixar. i was just so impressed. 
spazzes: fdjaslkfjsl;afsajfsa

 can't really think of anything else at the moment
but i loved it. 
also, if you were at bondi cinemas today and you heard someone scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when the movie ended...
that wasn't me.
it wasn't.

ETA: there were three old people who got polyjuiced and they were A PLUS!
also, random kissing was random and awkward dancing was awkward


1 ♥:

/cherry said...

you forgot to talk about the 3 awesome old people that got polyjuiced :-)
