Finally got the package i've been waiting for so now i can blog blog blog.

So what happened to garner this tweet?

as most of you know, i'm a little rob fangirl
now, as some of you may know, rob's coming to sydney for the premiere of water for elephants
and limited tickets were on sale for ~commoners to attend
too bad they cost $110+ and i'm a poor phD student
so obviously, i wasn't going to shell out that amount of money for the off chance i might catch a glimpse of his profile walking by...

now, here is where my pure stroke of luck came into handy!

basically, there was a competition 
and i almost didn't enter the competition because I never win anything, and I was super lazy to answer the competition question
but then the answers were in the comments so it was like a matter of entering in my email
i was literally the last person to enter xD

and as you may have guessed at this point...

so today i finally received the tickets to go to the premiere and walk the red carpet
and hence, this blog post.
but seriously, sooooooooooo excitement. 
(mainly because i hardly ever win stuff and i feel fortunate; 
but also because omgosh, closest i will be to rob since twilight filming in NOLA)


yesterday was lily's birthday but she wasn't in uni so we got her cake today
stopped by la provence with mum on the way to uni this morning
and got four mini cakes
they were really nice but really rich

it was super fail waiting for lily to come back from her meeting with supervisor
me and joe kept looking up each time someone walked in
joe was super smart (*still overcompensating) for getting lily to do his "pilot study" and then setting the program to display happy birthday
i wish i could code programs and impress people like that *pouts

we celebrated in the kitchen and one of the psyc ladies came in to say we always partied xD
(lol lol)
i only just now realised what a weird group of people it was, talking in the kitchen
me, janice, michelle, lily and joe
we all didn't even really know each other at the beginning of the year

random awesome moments
  • michelle's interpretation of something??
  • everyone being unapproachable
  • 3 awkward moments - porno vs. clubbing vs. eating bad apple pie
  • roast chicken instead of birthday cake
*lol-worthy moment of the day* must have been when joe went up to open the office door without getting his wallet out
his reaction to the photo...
janice, remind me to send the photo to you! (in case i get killed and there is no one to share the lols)

(sidenotes from yesterday: apparently janice says the three top moments of yesterday's lunch goes to joe, but we can only remember him being a jerk about the lemon honey water. fail.)

anyway, lolsy story from tonight
i was leaving the building when it started raining dog poo
and saw a helpless girl standing underneath
so i offered to umbrella her to the bus stop
but then mum drove into the uni
and i was like, helpless girl, do you want a lift?
so i ended up giving a lift to this random stranger
who i later found out, thought i looked familiar...
small world, eh?

janice, jenny and i went down to buy coffee
and we got free muffins
cos we're hot.

easter tuesday/public holiday in lieu of anzac day
and of course, i spent it at uni
doing work?

got there at 11ish
bummed until lunch time and went down to kingsford with michelle to get thai takeout
then we decided we wanted to get chatime
but according to google the nearest one was in eastgardens
so michelle settled for easyway and i settled for nothing
because i have principles and only wanted chatime

then while we're walking back to the car
we see two people holding, WHAT DO YOU KNOW? CHATIME!?!
so then we HAD to get it
turns out there's one across the road from the petrol station.

what an eventful day.

okay, so i'm going to avoid backward blogging from now on


began on thursday afternoon with some good ol' pingpong
we all left uni around 6pm and i ran off to meetfresh :D :D :D

then on Good Friday, went fishing with dad's friends and some cousins
would have totally preferred it with the rest of my extended family instead
but it was awesome weather in narrabeen though
basically just spend the day eating and walking around the beach
and fell asleep under the sun
pretty good

then yesterday,
went to janice's house at 11:28am to go shopping at woolies and make sandwiches for high tea at jess's place
the earl grey panna cotta was pretty amazing <3
had a great time chatting with the girls and playing board games
man, pictionary is never not lolsy with jenny and janice
awesome team!

lol i love so many of them
but these just stand out tonight

most of the food was prepared by my mum
(even the sandwiches, since she thought my sandwiches sucked
so she ended up remaking them)

but i made cauldron cakes on my own.
and i know i've said this to death, but i've seriously never baked anything remotely complicated so i was super proud of how these looked (in photos) xD

i used bakingdom's double double chocolate cauldron cakes recipe

and then for the ~cockroach clusters
i just used the basic chocolate crackles recipe from the kellog's website 
mmmm~ copha <3

everything was pretty much standard DONNA'S AWESOME MUM party food
except the copious amounts of candy
that sugar...
still can NOT get over how much of it was consumed, considering the average age of the patrons was...23?
*not held responsible for any cavities aside from my own

somewhere in between the harry potter madness was my actual birthday
in short, IT. WAS. AWESOME.

it was wednesday,
started off sucky because my first participant called to cancel
and so i had to go starbucks and get a green tea latter and bagel to console myself
good thing i have some pretty decent stalkers who looked up my calendar and figured out my free times
late in the afternoon, cherry had come over and suddenly, michelle was like DONNA, COME WITH ME TO GET DOLLAHS~
so i was like, yeah okay O_O
but wasn't really thinking with my brain (probably cos cherry's face does things like that)
after a few minutes, we went back upstairs and i just went up to talk to lily and hy (who had stolen the adjacent desk for the day)
and we were just chatting for a little while

then i turned around and saw my desk.
:D :D :D :D :D
soooooooooooooooooooo awesome.
lolsy moment of the day was when we tried to self-time a group photo
and the aussie dude over the board was want me to just do it?

they got me a cake and enough candy to last a mini-apocalypse!

then went home and found out dad ALSO got me a tiramisu (lol)

then as is tradition, had to take a few family photos <3

such an exquisite day <3
