harry potter birthday party: food (cauldron cakes)

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most of the food was prepared by my mum
(even the sandwiches, since she thought my sandwiches sucked
so she ended up remaking them)

but i made cauldron cakes on my own.
and i know i've said this to death, but i've seriously never baked anything remotely complicated so i was super proud of how these looked (in photos) xD

i used bakingdom's double double chocolate cauldron cakes recipe

and then for the ~cockroach clusters
i just used the basic chocolate crackles recipe from the kellog's website 
mmmm~ copha <3

everything was pretty much standard DONNA'S AWESOME MUM party food
except the copious amounts of candy
that sugar...
still can NOT get over how much of it was consumed, considering the average age of the patrons was...23?
*not held responsible for any cavities aside from my own
