once again, I LOVE MY FRIENDS.
they're awesome!
waaaaaaaaaaah~~ what did i do to deserve such awesome friends?
special thanks to my mum for being awesome, and janice and pickle for coming over ridic early to help me shop and prepare and then to cherry and jenny (and i guess, anoushka) for making water balloons with your dexterious fingers, and then hui and david for manning the bbq. and to everyone who travelled for over 20 mins, which is almost everyone. thank you <3
most awesome friends ever <3
once again, I LOVE MY FRIENDS.
they're awesome!
waaaaaaaaaaah~~ what did i do to deserve such awesome friends?
special thanks to my mum for being awesome, and janice and pickle for coming over ridic early to help me shop and prepare and then to cherry and jenny (and i guess, anoushka) for making water balloons with your dexterious fingers, and then hui and david for manning the bbq. and to everyone who travelled for over 20 mins, which is almost everyone. thank you <3
- waking up at 7:30am, and then waking up at 8:00am and
- writing my shopping list with 15 min before pickle and janice arrived
- going to towers and having fun times in the reject shop
- putting up the photobooth background, and pickle not being able to compensate for the angle
- running out of masking tape and having to use the blue blu-tac
- cherry arriving in her popcorn costume and janice and pickle's reaction...LOL!
- anoushka arriving early...because she has to leave early. too popular~
- preparing water balloons and getting squirted in the face
- jenny and cherry making a pro asian assembly line for water balloons
- my mum slave driving cherry
- anoushka and i, failing at tying up water balloons
- and then...prep time kind of melded into partay time
- everyone arrived at different times lol
- so i kind of gave up the original idea of having people play for the water guns, instead we just went straight into the waterfight around...4?
- did it hunger game style - everyone (except adam and jesslau :P) donned their garbage bag ponchos. two buckets of water balloons in the middle of the yard. only half the people had water guns. HECTIC.
- confusion about whether we'd started.
- i don't know how it was for anyone else, but i felt like i was part of a guerilla team. but then again, a lot of people targeted me. I WONDER WHY O_O?
- one point where me and janice both got hold of the hose and wrestled with each other. she ended up stuffing it down my poncho. and then she got a bloody knee :/
- so we played until all the water balloons and everyone's water guns were down
- then it was refill time cos chris and david were still relatively dry. and then we tried to get adam to join us but fail. and then jenny started firing warm water and everyone was like EW.
- then wynnie and joyce came and everyone was about to fill up again. but then wynnie decided not to join us. at this point in time, janice started getting mischievious eyes, and i knew poo was about to go down.
- can't remember what moment lead up to it, but i was at the mouth of the patio when suddenly someone grabbed my legs, kevin? and then someone else was grabbing my arms. NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!! so i slid out and sat on the floor and then janice was like, cool! even easier!. i held onto the fencing, while people lifted my legs and i was about horizontal. at this point i was still thinking i had a fighting chance where i could run back inside to hide, but then a moment of weakness! and suddenly i was at the pool entrance. i grabbed onto the fencing again. NOOOOOOOOOOO~~~ and this time, cherry and jenny peeled my fingers back one by one and i knew i was in for it. i remember very distinctly that they had to shift my weight, and swing me from side to side before...
- so humilating swimming in a garbage bag and almost failing.
- then bel told me to give adam a hug, so i did. hehe.
- and then it was showertime because ew, the pool is so chlorinated.
- then it was food, food, food
- more people arriving, more people leaving
- present time. SO FORTUNATE. so happy. hehe.
- janice, pickle, bel, hui and jenny serenaded count on me with changed lyrics to me. SO TOUCHED. crying a river inside my heart. especially, hui's solo. lol lol. FDJAKLSFJKD;ASKA.
- food, food, food, chat, chat, chat
- david and hui being slave driven by my mum
- then it was pictionary time, with random teams of people.
- funky teams - 1) cherry, mandy, sam, jesslee and ??? ; 2) janice, pickle, joe, anita, jesslau; 3) chris, dom, jenny, hui, david; 4) kevin, bel, adam, anna, wynnie, joyce
- kevin's words - philosopy lol
- kevin's epic guessing
- david's drawing of psychologist -
- joyce's refusal to charade strawberry jam
- dom and janice - milo
- people having to inhibit their own words
- people thinking they have to inhibit their words, and then realising its not their word
- mandy's drawing of philosophy and everyone guessing in a completely different direction
- bel not wanting to wedgie herself, so getting me to volunteer instead
- lol, adam's leg
- joe's word that no one knows
- PEOPLE NOT KNOWING THE NUTBUSH DANCE IS CALLED THE NUTBUSH DANCE (and then me and cherry demonstrating...wrong)
- donna li. lolwhat?
- everyone high on sugar and sweets.
- AND THEN IT WAS CAKE TIME. what an awesome cake (thanks wynnie! in case i forget - it was choc mud with cherry hazelnut with brandy ganache)
- and then it was FORREALS photobooth time, with more and more people leaving...and more and more ridiculous photos...too much same-sex sexual tension all over the couch...
- then my mum was singing really awesomely by herself in the living room
- then my mum tried to fit into the popcorn box and completely failed
- please refer to photobooth pictures on facebook because...ridiculous.
- and then most people left...
- and then it was just me, cherry, janice, pickle, bel and adam jamming around on the guitar and keyboard. and then cherry had to leave.
- and then it was to my room and i'm pretty sure this was the point where adam died. then bel and pickle drew me pictures on my chalkboard. and we all lounged around to regina spektor until it was like 1am.
- and then i hugged everyone goodbye and fell asleep waiting for bel to get home. fail.
most awesome friends ever <3

and lol.