was sick and bedridden two weeks ago, but all better now, i think...
after being in bed for two whole days, on the third day i got up and spent the day relaxing with crepe-making and reading.
finally, finished the book thief - made my heart hurt.

then spent the weekend catching up with people
started on friday night with an awesome heart to heart with jan while squeezed in between people at lowenbrau
we trundled through vivid in the damp cold and got heckled by many a drunk group
highlight of the night must have been when a stranger came up to me and told me i was good-looking while i was riding one of the light exhibits. that was before we realised he was a drunk hobo.
so many lols.
oh! and the other highlight was joining hands with a ton of strangers to try and get one of the exhibits to light up. it didn't work, but the moment was one of the most amazing things i'd ever experienced in terms of social processes /nerd.
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