Running club

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We've started a running club - unbelievable! Well when we started talking about it is was only a handful of us and then, nekminnit, there's nine of us running the centennial park circuit.

Here are some pre-run photos:

Here we are post-run: 

Silly me.
I've been using the Couch-to-5K app for tracking my running and was up to Week 6 Day 3, so when I started running with Janice at the same time I was expecting us to keep time since we're on the same day.
Forward to about 10 minutes in when I'm struggling and I check my phone and there was still another 17min! Gave up on the spot!
Turns out I accidentally clicked on Week 8 Day 3 - in Jan's words - what an idiot!
It was really hard today, and I really got to work on my stitches :(

Afterwards we all piled into the cars, stinky and sweaty and headed towards NARUONE which still wasn't open. Ended up somewhere random and had the most random D&M sesh with out half of the table. It was v nice.

Also, immaculate reception?
