stalking status: FAIL
but as me and miss jenny lam have discussed
our mission was simply a comparative measure for next time
conclusion of our mission was to never pay to walk the red carpet and to just line up outside with all the other crazy fans if you want a glimpse of your ~favourite star
anyway, did nothing at uni yesterday because it was friday/w4e day
around 4:30pm, everyone came up and ~surprised me with my present
some genius, i don't know who but i have an idea, decided to put a fake present and then get everyone to leave
hhahah but yes, so touched that so people came up to level 14 and gave me performance anxiety opening up my presents (many of which i truly do love so thank you <3)
<insert facebook pictures>
then it was off to mum's place to prepare for the premiere
feel like a ninja with my curling iron now xD
on the bus
waiting in line to get on the red carpet
red carpet experience was...not like i thought it would be
we were really kind of herded like cattle
made me think what it was like if you're like a you still get herded?
super grateful to miss jenny lam and janice for coming with me
otherwise i'd be super bored
lol this photo
and lol this photo also, because i have the same face -.-
being herded onto the red carpet
it was supposed to be the longest red carpet in australia
but truthfully the walk seemed really short
and it was kind of weird being on the other side of the barricaded screaming
(because i've been on the barracaded side...obviously)
lots of really well-dressed and made up people
made me slightly uncomfortable xD
hey! why is everyone pointing their cameras off to the right?
looks like it's someone important!
i actually was lucky enough to see his face, and he is soooo pretty and he seems sooooo nice <3
but yeah, total photo fail.
the security guards were full pushing us along, except for one who smiled at me (probably cos i looked like a little girl next to everyone else)
should've totally used my dimples to ask for a photo :(
oh hey! reese witherspoon's backside!
(compare their entourages xD but i guess the chances of rob being are attacked ARE much higher)
sometime before entering the theatre, i had a chance to cross the road and double back down the red carpet
but i didn't take the opportunity because i have too much pride and didn't want to be seen walking down twice xD
obviously, retrospectively, it's like...what pride? who needs pride?
(note for next time: stalking is a prideless venture)
inside the state theatre.
so pretty.
very reminiscent of boston opera theatre <3
lol at the people who paid to get these freebies!
my view on the mezzanine level
pretty good
thanks to janice for lending me her super P&S
so i could capture this shaky video:
another reason why paying for the red carpet sucks is because of the super short introductions
seriously, if you want to see celebrities in the flesh hang out outside
inside, they leave after...2 minutes
(but what a glorious 2 minutes it was~)
lol at the old lady reading FAMOUS behind me
i'm not going to review the movie because i'm so biased
and also cos i kept ruminating over the stalking fail and couldn't concentrate on it
it was beautifully shot though.
and the elephant was amazing xD
when i left the theatre around..10pm
the red carport and barricades were already almost all gone~
overall verdict: if given the chance to pay to take the red carpet route, then no.
not worth it.
(unless you're one of those people that are like...OMG I BREATHED THE SAME AIR AS <insert celebrity> IT WAS SO WORTH IT~
which some of the people sitting near me were -.-)
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