it's a bit ridiculous.
the way the patterns swirl after i add milk to cold-brewed coffee?
ARGH! brings joy to my little heart.

i use about 8 tablespoons of ground coffee to two cups of cold water
leave that in the frenchpress overnight in the fridge
add ice and milk in the morning and i am ready to fly for the day~
apparently, it's been two weeks since my last proper entry. wow, have i been lazy with this blog or what?
- on 2nd Nov, i had my not-last stats exam and it was so bad lol. added to the fact that i had the most epic dream of skydiving three times before discussing the benefits of berry mints with a work colleague. was completely tired out. then we went to the whitehouse for drinks to celebrate ~end-of-year and had great fun (if my memory serves me correctly).
- on 4th Nov, my daily savings account reached an all-time low and i was so sad. keep questioning myself on whether this is spending time or saving time. early 20's is a weird time.
- then spent the rest of my week doing my take-home exam, BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS DUE ON THE 7TH. Got pranked so good, man. So good.
- Found out on the 5th that they changed the date on my assignment sheet. Despite my gut feelings that something was wrong/thinking I had successfully mind-squiggled myself, I thought to myself, there's no way Hui would lie to me. And everyone else seemed to working on the take-home like it was due on the 7th. Little did I know, that the other side lived so differently...
- So cute that Hui couldn't handle the guilt and pulled me to have dinner at her house. Still remember how good the food was...
- Then, come the 8th, I went to sleep at 10am. Woke up at 9am. Submitted the take-home before lunch. IT WAS AMAZING. (and weird).
- On the 9th, we went K for two hours and it wasn't enough at all.
- also went sushi tei for joe's birthday dinner. me and jenny went scouraging around the city for apples pies prior and had pretty much given up on finding them when we finally came across them in the pitt st mall food court. and they were pretty good and came in a super cute box so i'll definitely be going back again.
- On the 10th, went out with cherry ♥ for her ~birthday present. had dinner at minh thai in record time before mary poppins. i think the most apt description would be: disney on crack. it was AMAZING. the set production quality was mindblowing; the colours and the characters were just SO over-the-top sometimes that i thought i was on LSD at times. lol. Really would recommend it to everyone. was good, even from the dress circle.
- On the 11th, I had my first meeting with my supervisor in ~ages. Finally submitted an abstract for the postgrad conference that going to be held at SydU at the end of the month. No idea what I'm doing with that. And then, randomly, when I got home that night. There was a HUGE spider waiting for me in my study. Had an hour-long battle with it cos it hid its corpse so well that I couldn't find it even after I got it to OD on bug spray.
post about yesterday's high-tea party coming soon.
0 ♥:
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