i love my alien family.

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cherry has a sister. she is cool. cherry's sister has a husband and he is even cooler. long story short, he's a manager that fires people and rides a scooter/motorbike to work. cool, yes? and look at me already getting off-track! anyway~, i hadn't seen the wange couple since...Chinese new year, which is a complete monstrosity so when the opportunity presented itself for me to go and visit their new house, i couldn't resist (despite the fact i had work the following day).

it was like an extended family reunion <3. i was supposed to pick up twin after work, but he ran late and i ended up picking him up at a miscellaneous station and guesstimating the route to wange's place. we got there a bit after cherry and johnson, but wange weren't home yet so we decided to go to IKEA. took instax photos and bumped into a workmate, who kept accusing me of trying to run away from him but that was so not true! him and his girlfriend are so super cute fdjaklflkas. ANYWAY~

it was so cute seeing wayne being super excited to show off his new house :D. and then lol, i made a sarcastic comment about how neat they were (which they weren't since all their stuff was scattered all over the floor) and cherry thought i was being serious and argued that it was because they don't have that much stuff. lies!

we drove to concord for Japanese food, and basically all died of starvation waiting for it to arrive. had a fun time talking and laughing about...i can't remember. probably about wayne's manager-ness and cherry's work interview and twin being high on life (read: wine). OH! and then i was nice to cherry because she's been stressed lately, and then she kept looking at me suspiciously. then finally, she couldn't take it anymore and asked me what i was doing! i was both offended and lolling internally. that got everyone's attention and then they started asking me if i was terminally ill O_O. then coincidentally my contacts were making my eyes tear, so twin was like ARE YOU CRYING?!?! loooooooooooooooooooool. but seriously, am i that mean to cherry all the time that i can't be nice when everyone else is being mean? T.T

the food took so long that i think we took almost 2 hours to eat, which is ridiculous for japanese food. my tempura bento box was pretty good though. then afterwards we went back to wange's to play saboteur which is the most epic card game ever. SO MANY LOLS. highlights would have to include: donna being evil 80% of the time, wayne thinking he was the only saboteur when donna trying to confuse the good people, donna putting the card sideways about 3 times, cherry's temper tantrum when she threw down the wrong card while talking to her mum,  twin constantly accusing wange of being an evil duo when he's the evil one, johnson being a really confident and good teacher, donna getting one nugget while wayne ha like...18.

got home at midnight. didn't get to sleep until 1am.
but it was so completely worth it.

today, i have just been a complete bundle of nerves.
this is hilarious because this time tomorrow, no matter what, i will be completely chill.


sidenote: Joyce, you made me use spellcheck now. and also, i don't know if you saw my comment but i actually changed prague to praque.  :P