Terribly, terribly jetlagged.
Waking up at 2pm, etc etc etc.
Horrible horrible stuff.

Over the next couple of days I'll finally, finally be backwards blogging my time spent in Asia.
Mostly due to lack of proper internet access (and a little bit due to laziness), I ended up leaving the rest of the blog posts I had typed on my iphone until now, instead of posting them real time.
Big sigh.
To avoid confusion, the first blog posts following will be on the time I spent in BEIJING! which actually occurred before I dropped down to visit HongKong, between the 11th and 18th of December.
Long story short, mum signed up for one of those $100/person tours when she bought our plane tickets
Despite much reluctance and suspiciousness, I ended up really enjoying my time in the motherland's capital. No doubt due in part to some of the marvelous characters I met in the tour group.
Now, moving forward!
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