Brekkie breakthrough on the second-last day: finally realized the burnt toast looking thing was actually banana bread and it was good!
First stop was another summer palace
With the longest corridor or whatever (i think at this point, it's obvious i don't really care cos the places of interest are starting to look the same) (post-hoc wiki: the corridor is actually called Long Corridor)
Went around walking walking - had a really really strong sense of deva ju when we spotted the empress' marble boat; remembering when i first saw it when i was 8...weird.
We were the last group to return to the main tour group again because the boys just HAD to choose that moment to go find a bathroom, big sigh.
Had to power walk back and tony showed us how it was done - i.e. very very effeminately
Then we all started randomly singing 90s music - sclub7 style while they played traditional kicking with the feather thing (post hoc wiki: called a shuttlecock, how could you not know that donna!)
Isaac bought a really dirty panda hat
Then it was Olympic park with the Bird Nest and the water thingy (lol, i'm really trying here, aren't i?)
Bought a kite for RMB5 and it got stuck in a tree
Then the Boys bought 3 gold medals for RMB10
Lols then they wore them all day and pretended they were Olympians from Australia while singing the national anthem. Tony was full bragging that he knew the second verse; and we all argued that you never need it...
Then it was lunch
Then it was the Pearl selling place
Lolsiest thing ever
First it was the girl - who everyone wanted to marry off to Joe
His parents and everyone were there (there were like 11 people from his family on the tour); so it was pretty much meet the parents already.
She didn't even get around to explaining anything cos of everyones questioning - are you married? are you single? how old are you? wanna go to australia?
Then it was the "owner's son" who I really believed but mum told me they did a similar thing in shanghai so maybe it's some random dude dressed in a leather jacket pretending to be the owner's son...
All the old ladies tried to get him cos he has his own diamond mine and stuff. Lol. He was full blushing.
And the funniest thing was the boys were sitting at the front and they had no idea why the whole room was laughing cos the exchange was in mando. They ended up falling asleep...
People bought pearls and jade and the boys pretended to roll everyone with an iPhone gun app
Then it was another arcade mall where mum, isaac and i didn't really buy anything
Got $40 juice then walked down and it was $18
After that, everyone decided to decline the set tour dinner and got the bus to drop us all off at Ghost St (鬼街); reknowned for its dining options
Our tour group split into two groups; ours was 11 people and the other was 42-11=31 people
Ended up in the same place anyway, even thought the 31 people group had already been the place we were going before...
Had really really good Peking Duck and duck liver

our awesome awesome aussie + catherine (from US) group. note: the middle lady in the red looks like the evil grandma in spirited away
Then we taxied back to hotel with catherine before saying good night
So tired cos had no naptime in the car today
Showered and went to bed with wet hair
Then heard doorbell and people mumbling at the door
Was tony and david getting our Guangzhou digits
Mum was like I don't know what it is so I popped up like a zombie from my cot and stuggled to find my phone
Then they came in for a little while and isaac was sleeping with his blankets half way up his ass and he was wearing my leggings
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