USA expenses part#1

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Finally finished entering all my expenses. 

Flight/bus Total
Accommodation Total $1,303.96
Airport Transport Total $161.71
Activity Total
Food Total
Public Transport Total $163.70
Clothes, Shoes and Accessories Total                  $1,435.53
Beauty Total
Souvenirs and gifts total $900.48
Misc Total

Grand Total


...yeah. wow.

1. airport transport: transport to and from airport only. includes shuttle and taxi. 
2. activity total: all activties, e.g. ballet, theme parks, swamp tours, etc.
3. public transport: includes all costs to get from one destination to another, includes: bus, subway, taxi, cable car, etc. 
4. beauty: mostly cosmetics. yeah. wow.
5. souvenirs & gifts: includes all souvenirs and all things bought for other people. mostly family. 
6. misc: includes things that don't fit anywhere else. e.g. communications costs, luggage fees, books, etc. 
