Brekkie was bun on the run
Ferry to north point
Bus to ocean park
Panda one sucked but panda two was awesome
Fugly goldfish
Whiskers and Friends Turned out to be kids show
Cable car over the hill
Lined up for the flash
Lots of pushing in; two Chinese men took up seats 2 and 4- so dumb
Rapids got wet
Tried for the ocean theatre a couple of times and failed
Rouind and round mine train pretty fun
Sea jelly
Hair raiser was pretty fun
Christmas lights

Got lied to by bus driver that 3 left but no and everyone pushed in front
Ming kok
Are wonton noodle soup random side street
Electronics with Isaac
Home on a bus
Dessert and soooooo good
Came home
Cmum and cdad returned shortly after
Asked Isaac how it was and be was Hao Lai (so tired in mando) looooooooooool
Now sleep cos super tired and its past 12:30
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