Woke up
yum cha with cmum and cdad and cporpor in whampoa
Then went back to house
After toilet, Isaac had already fallen asleep on mattress
Original idea was for me to meet Wynnie first and Isaac to come out later
Met Wynnie at langham place and walked around a little bit
Walked 王中 (mongkok centre) a bit but didn't buy anything
Then met Valerie on corner of 女人街 (ladies market) and 山東街
then went to 家樂方 (gala place) where I bought my heels and the other two worked on wifi and drank blue monkeys (which are smoothies and not a type of cocktail)
Then we walked around the mk area a bit, stopped at the photo supplies store where I wasnt allowed to buy anything etc etc
Then Val had to leave us
Me and Wynnie walked around in search for dinner
I wanted ramen so we walked around and around
Finally found a legit looking place near ladies markets called 火山石
had really good prime beef with egg udon in homemade pork soup

Walked around a bit more then eventually said goodbye to Wynnie at the MTR
Then walke around for a little bit
Mostly dropped mannings and watsons and sasa
Then swaggered home via the 30x before doing some intense candy shopping at park n shop 百
Then went home and watched tv with Aunty
Before sleep, watched this Japanese film on cdad and cmums bed and it was sooooo lolsy
Japanese doesn't really translate well to canto and then it was like so many ransoms popping up
Then one of the characters was like, do you know who he is? And we were doing our own voiceovera, being like I dont know
Then that was really the dialogue!
Packed up and went to sleep
Morning came and slept in until like 11:30
Then went down to 豬扒豬扒 (porkchop porkchop) for last brekkie
Ordered a 豬扒包 (porkchop bun) and 腿蛋包 (ham and egg bun) and 凍奶茶 (iced milk tea). So gooooood!

Then had to rush to the park and shop bakery for on-the-road food
Cutting it close cos bus was at 1:40 and we were supposed to leave before 1 but it was already 1
In the end, juuuuust missed the bus
As in it left as cherry was buying the tickets for it
But no fear, cos we had already guessed it woul happen so we had chosen the second last bus
Bought tickets for the 2:40 an had Isaac mind the luggage while we went on search for toilet and 珍珠奶茶 (pearl milk tea)
Got back with a little time to spare
Said goodbye to cherry and now on the bus to Shen Zhen
There is a lot of traffic.
I fear for my liver.

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